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Artist / Lulu Ngie

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Lulu Ngie 2006 Graduated from Hong Kong Art School, majored in painting. She delights in studying the human psyche as expressed through a person’s body language: how we stand, sit, lie and move, however subtly, reveals what we think and feel. When experiencing uncomfortable emotions such as acute embarrassment, anxiety or fear, we often try to protect ourselves by seeking distractions or rationalising our feelings. Sometimes we try to laugh it off. These and other coping mechanisms are almost instinctive. Just as the physical body can heal itself after suffering an injury, the mind, too, has the ability to recover its equanimity after a trauma. The desire to protect ourselves is strong in all living beings who seek self-preservation. Lulu shares her fascination in this often unnoticed but powerful part of our mental world.

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2022 The Sensitive Body, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

2019 Relax until distraction comes, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong 

2018 Fictitious Force, Art Los Angeles Contemporary 2018, USA

2016 ART021 2016, Shanghai

2015 Fina Art Asia 2015, Hong Kong

2013 day after day after day, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

Selected Group Exhibitions


Art Basel Hong Kong, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

Minding the G(r)a(s)p, Parasite, Hong Kong

31 Women Artist Hong Kong I, 10 Chancery Lane, Hong Kong



《+1》HKAS Alumni Network Exhibition, from Nightfall to Darkness, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Art Centre

In the search of absence, Korea Cultural Center in Hong Kong

Art Basel Hong Kong 2021, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong


In the course of Dancing, from Nightfall to Darkness, The Gallery of Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong



Art Basel in Hong Kong 2019, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong



Roh Project, Jakarta



無何有之香, The House of HK Literature FooTak, Hong Kong

Deep Silence, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong

To Each, his zone, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong



ART021, 2016, Gallery EXIT, Shanghai Exhibition Centre, Shanghai

Art Basel, Hong Kong 2016, Hong Kong




Fine Art Asia 2015, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong




Art Basel in Hong Kong 2013, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Eye, Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong

disturbances, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong



Painting On and On: 2. Automatic Banana, SOUTHSITE, Hong Kong

Behind The View, Off-Site, Café Show Room, Taipei, Taiwan

ARTHK12, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong




Lustfully Yours, Hulahoop Gallery, Hong Kong




Nonsensism, Hulahoop Gallery, Hong Kong

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