Artist / Silvia Levenson
Silvia Levenson explores daily interpersonal relationships through installations and objects that state firmly what is usually felt or whispered. Her work is centralised on this unspeakable space, which is oftentimes so small, located between what we can see and what we feel and use glass to reveal those things that are normally hidden.
Her work has been exhibited around the world and is a part of several public collections including Corning Museum of Glass, New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fè, Houston Fine Art Museum, Toledo Museum of Art, Mint Museum, Charlotte, Chrysler Museum of Art, Sunderland Glass Museum, Museo Provincial de Bellas,Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Munich, MUDAC, Lausanne and Castello Sforzesco Museum, Milan.
born in Buenos Aires, Argentina,1957.
Lives in Italy since 1981
Selected Solo shows
Sottovetro. Traumfabrik. Celle Ligure. Italia
Uncomfortables shoes: the politics of being a woman. Rofa Projects.Maryland. USA
Tea room. La Morada House. Rofa Projects. Maryland.USA
Enough.Embassy of Argentina. Washington DC.
The most dangerous place Act III. Video projection in Milan, Rome, Verona and Buenos Aires.
A kind of magic. Punto sull'Arte Gallery. Varese. Italy
The most dangerous place act II. Action. Duomo Square.Milan ( with Natalia Saurin)
No one less . Casa Argentina, Roma ( with Natalia Saurin)
The most dangerous place I. Installation at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, with Natalia Saurin
The Most Dangerous place.Women Museum of Costa Rica
Identidad Desaparecida. Museo Memorial de la Republica Dominicana. Santo Domingo
Doble Ausencias. Museo del Vetro. Altare (SV), Italy
Sguardi Incrociati, with Francesca Gagliardi. Zaion Gallery, Biella. Italy
Interior Voices. National Glass Center. Sunderland. UK
Identidad Desaparecida. Bullseye Projects. Portland (OR) USA
Identidad Desaparecida. Museo del Vetro di Murano. Venice, Italy
I Amsterdam, You Berlin with Lorch Seidel Gallery, Berlin.
Identidad. American University Museum. Washington DC. USA
Who in the world arm I? ( with Luca Lanzi) Lorch-Seidel Gallery. Berlin, Germany
Identidad Desaparecida EAC - Espacio Arte Contemporaneo - Montevideo, Uruguay.
Without Camouflage ( with Dafna Kaffeman) . Museum of Craft and Design, San Francisco.USA
Identidad Desaparecida. Argentinian Consulate, Barcelona. Spain
Identitè Disparue. Galerie Argentine. Paris, France
Missing Identity. Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum, Riga,Latvia.
Missing Identity. Museum of Occupations.Tallin, Estonia.
Identidad Desaparecida. Casa de las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. Ex Esma. Buenos Aires. Argentina
A subject to avoid. David Richard Gallery. Santa Fé. New Mexico. USA
The secret order. Bullseye Gallery. Portland(OR)USA
Without Camouflage ( with Dafna Kafemann)David Owsley Museum of Art. Ball State University. USA
Wonderland. Antonella Cattani Gallery. Bolzano, Italy
Not Neutral , with Mindy Weisel. Lorch-Seidel Gallery. Berlin
Ostaggi, with Elizabeth Aro, Sala Santa Rita, Rome, Italy
Life Strategies. David Richard Gallery. Santa Fè, USA
Camouflage.Luciano Colantonio. Brescia. Italy
Everything is OK. Galeria Solange Guez, Buenos Aires. Argentina
El plan era perfecto, curator E.Aro. Sansalvatore Artproject. Modena,Italy
I feel in balance. Project room at Fondazione Durini, Milano.Italy
Io ti perdono. Galleria Traghetto, Rome,Italy
Piccoli Ulisse. Sansalvatore Artproject, Modena,Italy
You are not living alone…. Bullseye Gallery. Portland (OR) USA
The kitchen, el corazon de la casa. Galeria Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain
(with Natalia Saurin)
Happy forever, Caterina Tognon, Venice, Italy
Something’s wrong, with Natalia Saurin. Galleria Arthobler. Porto. Portugal.
Piccoli Ulisse, Festival della Letteratura, Mantova.
Plaza de Mayo, Galleria Traghetto. Roma.
Algo anda mal, video with Natalia Saurin , Argentine Embassy, Roma.
I see you are a bit nervous. Bullseye Gallery. Portland(OR) USA
( installation + video con Natalia Saurin)
Toys & Games, project with Galleria Caterina Tognon , Art Miami Fair, USA
Sit down!, Olivier Houg, Lyon. Francia.
Emergencias, project room at FIAC Paris, with Galleria Caterina Tognon.
Piccolo Ulisse, Galleria Caterina Tognon, Bergamo.
Games and Fairly tales. Bullseye Connections Gallery, Portland. USA
Bambina spinosa, Arthobler Gallery,Porto, Portugal.
Silenzio, bambini .Caterina Tognon, Venice,Italy.
Toys (two persons exhibition) Galleria San Salvatore, Modena.
Bambina Spinosa, Centro Arte Contemporanea Cavalese,Italy
Piccoli Tesori, Galeria Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain.
Correre ai ripari. Museo del Credito Valtellinese di Sondrio,Italy
Correre ai ripari . Fioretto Arte Contemporanea, Padua,Italy
Bambina Cattiva, Gemine Muse. Museo Archeologico. Padova,Italy
Piccoli tesori . Galleria Maria Cilena, Milan.Italy
Bambina Cattiva, Galleria Caterina Tognon Bergamo,Italy
Design by Silvia Levenson, Braggiotti Gallery, Amsterdam(NL)
Haute Glass, Bullseye Gallery, Portland, USA.
Fashion Glass, Spring-Summer 1999. Maria Cilena Gallery, Milan,Italy
Fashion Glass. Glasmuseum Ebeltoft, Denmark.
Cenetta Intima (table for two). Bullseye Gallery, Portland. Oregon (USA)
Braggiotti Gallery, Amsterdam (NL)
Non guardarmi così,tesoro, con F.Martinez. Care/of . Milan,Italy
Cannibalisme des sentiments. Musée Atelier de Verre, Sars Poteries. France
Levenson/Northbrook. Bullseye Connection, Portland,Oregon USA.
Il viaggio, with Florencia Martinez. Mercato del Pesce, Milano
Valijas transparentes. Centro Recoleta, Buenos Aires.
Il viaggio:Selected Works.Bullseye Connection, Portland.Oregon(USA)
Selected group shows
Vetro & Opera Lirica. Museo Casa Goldoni. Venice. Italy
Vetro & Opera Lirica. Sforza Castle, Milan. Italy
Boundless Curiosity. Glass Museum. Tacoma (EEUU)
A State of Matter. Modern and Contemporary Glass. Henry Moore Institute. UK
Iberoamerican Biennal of Glass. San José. Costa Rica .
Playful/Pensive. Racine Art Museum. Racine. USA
Walking together: for them and for us. Mason Exhibitions Arlington. USA
Las mujeres en la Esma. Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio Petorutti,La Plata, Buenos Aires.
Uncomfortables shoes: the politics of being a woman. Rofa Projects.Maryland. USA
Feminist Art: the personal every day more political.Art Focus Latinoamerica ( on line)
Momentum. 20 anys d'art. Galeria Esther Montoriol. Barcelona, Spain.
15 x 15 _20 x 20 .Punto Sull'Arte Gallery, Varese. Italy
Umbreakable: Women in Glass. Berengo Foundation, Murano. Venice,Italy.
15 x 15 _20 x 20 .Punto Sull'Arte Gallery, Varese. Italy
Small Families. Triennale di Milano. Italy
Glass Works. Ital Reding-Hofstatt in Schwyz . Switzerland.
National Glass Center, Sunderland. UK
Memories of home. Project with refugees. International Glass Festival, Stourbridge, UK
MOVING LANDSCAPES | displacements | distances | alterations. Festival di Fotografia Castelnuovo, Italy.
The element of change. Glass Project. Berlin, Germany
I 2018. Levantart Gallery. Shangai. China
ContemporaneA. Bi box, Biella. Italy
The blood of women. Traces of red on white cloth. Galerija Forum, Zagreb.Croazia
The Glass Cieling. Palm Spring Museum. USA
Arte & Tecnologia. Lan Wan Museum, Quingdao. China
Un passion partagée. Musee Atelier de Sars Poteries. France
Glass from the collection Bellini Pezzoli. Archeological Museum, Zara.
Art Byre Project, North Lands, Scotland organized by Bullseye Projects.
Fired Up : Conntemporary Women working in glass. Mint Museum, Charlotte. USA
Departures and arrivals. Lorch Seidel Gallery, Berlin. Germany
The emotional life of objects. Bullseye Projects. Portland (OR) USA
Il Sangue delle Donne.Casa Internazionale delle donne. Roma, Italy
Life is not a beach. Alexander Tutsek Stiftung Munich, Germany.
Colors . Hempel Glass Museum. Hempel, Denmark
Contemporary Glass at RAM. Racine Art Museum. USA
Attravetro. Archeological Museum, Pavia, Italy
Delicartessen 14. Galeria Esther Montoriol. Barcelona, Spain
Body Talk. Ebeltoft Glass Museum. Denmark
Progetto Turna, Turin,Italy
Retrospective. Bullseye Gallery. Portland (OR)USA
Chroma. Bullseye Gallery. Portland Or USA
Fino alla fine del Mondo. Zaion Gallery.Biella.Italy
Greffè/Griffè. Biennale Nationale de Sculpture Contemporaine. Trois Rivieres, Canada.
In the name of love. Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung. Koln. Germany
Miniature di vetro. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arte. Venice, Italy
“50 years of Glass Studio”. Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft. USA
Fiori di Vetro, Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Milano, Italy
Amorphous Dream, Micaela Gallery, San Francisco, USA.
Caos Termici, Casa Massacio, San Giovanni Valdarno.
Cross Over. Bullseye Gallery, Portland (OR) USA
Hans hat Glück, Castello Gandeg, Alto Adige. Italy
Donnedonnedonne.Fondazione Remotti. Camogli. Italy
BodyWork, Bullseye Gallery, Portland, USA.
Principes, princesas y cenicientas. Complejo San Francisco, Berazategui, Buenos Aires.
From_&_t(w)o. Kunst Meran, Italy ( Valerio Dehò curator)
Case Study from the Bureau of Contemporary Art.New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fè (USA
Bad girls. Galleria Caterina Gualco e Visionquest Gallery, Genova
The taste of glass. Vlaams Centrum voor Hedendaagse Glaskunst , Belgium.
Hi honey, I'm Home. Broadfield House Glass Museum, Stourbridge, UK
I Glass 2010, Levant Art Gallery. Shangai.
Maravee Domus, Sabrina Zannier curator. Castello di Susans (UD).Italy
PF O9 . Prague Festival,Pokorna Gallery, Praga.CZ
Welcome Home,Spazio AB 23, Vincenza.
Favourites! From the contemporary glass collection. Corning Glass Museum. Corning,USA
Beyond Shared Language: Contemporary Art and the Latin American Experience. Society for Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh.USA.
Incontri Casuali, Zaion Gallery, Biella.
Glass from Malou Majerus Collection. Museum Kunst Palast, Dusseldorf. Germany
European Glass Context.Bornholms Kunst Museum, Denmark
La Giostra dell’apocalisse. Rotonda della Besana, Milano.
Flux, Reflections in Contemporary Glass, New Mexico Museum of Art,Santa Fè. USA
Presenters, Bullseye Gallery. Portland (OR) USA
My own Gallery, Milano. Bombay Sapphire Prize.
Yalos, why Glass? Claudia Gianferrari, Milano
Yalos, why glass?. Caterina Tognon, Venezia
Shoes, Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland
Visionaria 17, Piombino
Videa2, rassegna di video art al femminile. Salerno .
Videa2, rassegna di video art al femminile. Palazzo Strozzi, Ferrara.
Delicartessen, Galeria Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain
Italien Ways in Contemporary Craft.Cheongiu International Craft Biennale, Korea.
Aria. Fondazione Ermanno Casoli, Jesi .
Annisettanta. Triennale. Milano
Il viaggio di Eva. Comune de San Donato Milanese(MI)
2 video, project on line, Undonet.
A cena con Isabella, Museo Nazionale Atestino, Este.
Crafting a collection, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.(USA)
Glass, Material Matters, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (USA)
XX Years On, GLasmuseum Ebeltof, Denmark.
Rompecabezas, Galeria Montoriol, Barcelona. Spain
Biennale della fotografia, Brescia,Italy
Contemporary Kiln-Glass at Houston Center .USA
Contemporary Kiln Glass, University of Miami, College of Arts and Sciences Gallery, Florida.USA
Quadriennale.Roma. Italy
Chez moi. Galleria Erasmus Brera.Milano
Sotto la superficie. Fabbrica del Vapore. Milano
Global Art Glass.Borgholms Slott. Vida Museum Sweden.
Something Different, Quadrivum Gallery. Sydney. Australia
Lilith, women in art. Scuderie Aldrobrandi. Frascati,Italy.
Neruda. Istituto Latinoamericano, Roma.
Pranzo di nozze, Fioretto Arte Contemporanea, Padova.
Delicartessen, Galeria Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain
Me design. Palazzo della Borsa, Genova.
Interior secrets of body, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary
Imagerie Art Fashion, Castello di Rivara, Trieste.
Chaussè-croisés, Gewerbemuseum Wintherhtur, Germany
The Light Within, Kentucky Art Museum,USA
XS, Galleria San Salvatore, Modena.
Fresh, Heller Gallery, New York USA
Delicartessen, Galeria Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain.
Glass Way, Museo Archeologico. Aosta.Italy
Musica per occhi, Conservatorio, Bolzano.Italy
Galerie Olivier Houg, Lyon, France.
Luoghi di Concentramenti, Artandgallery. Milano.
Braggiotti Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Il lato scuro della letteratura. B&B Gallery, Mantua, Italy
Museum of Design, Lausanne. Swis
Galeria Esther Montoriol, Barcelona. Spain
Ghost, GianFerrari Arte Contemporanea & Ciocca Gallery, Milan, Italy.
Tagli . Spazio Erasmus, Milano.
Tutto l’odio del mondo. Arengario, Milano
Hora Cero, Galleria Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain
La notte dei Musei. Bergamo,
Sui Generis. PAC, Milan.
Frangibile. Spazio Trevi, Bolzano,
Trapassato Futuro. Cartiera Vannucci, Milano
Vocazioni . Convento dei Celestini,Bergamo.
All about Eve, Fioretto Gallery, Padova
No crime. San Salvatore Gallery, Modena, Italy
Novecento, frammenti di un secolo breve. Festa Nazionale dell'Unità. Modena
12th Anniversary, Braggiotti Gallery, Amsterdam (NL)
Preview, Galleria Maria Cilena,Milano.
Interpretations . Glasmuseum Ebeltoft, Denmark.
Full Circle. Hoffman Gallery Portland,USA
Cronache Vere . Spazio Consolo, Milano
Ernsting Fondation,Alter Hof Herding, Coesfeld , Germany
L’opening è dentro.Istituto Penitenziario Minorile C.Beccaria .
O che acontece quando se muda de lugar,Contemporary Art Museum. Belo Orizonte,Brasil
3 person exhibition. Ernsting Fondation,Alter Hof Herding, Coesfeld , Germany
Galleria D’arte & Divetro , Bergamo
Braggiotti Gallery, Amsterdam.
Libro Objeto. Centro Wilfredo Lam. La Habana, Cuba
International Exhibition of Glass, Kanazawa.Japan
Public collections
Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung , Munich, Germany.
Bullseye Glass Company, Portland (OR) USA
Coleccion Casas de las Americas, Cuba.
Comune di Castelvetro, Castelvetro (Modena).Italy
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning USA ( Rakow Commision)
Docreativity Collection, Verona. Italy
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk.USA
David Owsley Museum. Ball State University, USA
Ernsting Glass Collection, Coestfeld, Germany
Fine Art Museum, Houston. USA.
Fondazione Banca San Gottardo, Italy
Fondazione Remotti, Camogli. Italy.
Glas Museum Fraueneau, Germany
Glasmuseum Ebeltoft, Denmark
Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation, Portland (OR) USA
Minneapolis Institute for Arts. Mineapolis. USA
Mint Museum, Charlotte, USA.
MUDAC, Lausanne. Switzerland.
Musée du Verre Sars Poteries, France
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes, La Plata. Argentina
Museo del Vetro di Murano, Venice. Italy
Museo del Vetro, Altare. Italy
Museo del Castello Sforzesco. Milan,Italy
Museo di Storia ed Arte, Sondrio, Italy
Museo del Vidrio Leon Rigaulleau,Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts, Lausanne. Swiss.
National Glass Center, Sunderland. UK
New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fè. USA
Racine Art Museum. Wisconsin. USA
The Toledo Museum of Art. Toledo. USA
Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland
Selected Awards and residencies
2022 Artist in residence at Escola Masana, Barcelona. Spain
2020 Award Doc Creativity. Booming Bologna Art Fair
2015 artist in residence, Berlin Glass
2014 artist in residence. Sunderland University. UK
2009 Artist in residence at Australia University,(ANU), Canberra, Australia.
2008, Finalist , Bombay Saphire Prize.
2005 artist in residence, Corning Museum of Glass. USA
2004 Rakow Commission Award Recipient, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NW
1998 artist in residence at Bullseye Co. USA
1996 artist in residence at Musée Atelier de Verre, Sars Poteries. France.
1995 artist in residence at Bullseye Co. USA
Selected Conferences and Lectures
2022 Conference and Workshop at First Biennale of Glass. San Jose di Costa Rica
2022 Invited artist ad Albertina Accademie of Art, Turin
2022 Lecturer and Workshop at the First Conference of Women Glass Artist. MAVA. Madrid
2022 Conference at Mint Museum. Charlotte, North Carolina.
2021 Visiting speaker at Tyler School of Art. USA
2020 Artist talk at Catanzaro Art School
2019 Artist talk at National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin.
Artist talk at Mint Museum, Charlotte. New Caroline, USA
Artist talk at Arizona Glass Alliance, Scottdale. USA
2018 Wilson Conference “ Who in the world am I?” at GAS Conference in Murano, Italy
2017 Conference “ The Plan was perfect” .Palazzo Loredan, Venice. Italy
2017 Visiting Instructor at Art Accademy. Brera, Milano, Italy
2017 Key Speaker at “ Women and Art Symposium”, National Glass Center, Sunderland.UK
2016 Glass in Venice Award. Istituto Veneto,Venice.Italy
2016 jury at New Glass Review 37, Corning Museum. USA
2016 invited artist at Byre Symposium. Northlands Creative Glass, Scotland
2016 jury at Salon Nacional del Vidrio. Berazategui, Argentina.
2015 Lecture at Australian University. Canberra, Australia.
2013 Lecture at Bezalel Art University. Jerusalem. Israel.
2012 Jury at E-MERGE 2012. Portland OR (USA)
2011 Presenter at “Next 100 years”. Aalto University. Helsinki, Finland
2011 Presenter at BeCon, Crossover. Portland, Or. USA
2010 Jury at Warm Glass Prize. Bristol UK
2014 Arte KM0,tutor at residency and show.Big Bang Association, Italy.
2011 Principes, Princesas y Cenicientas. Complejo Municipal San Francisco. Berazategui, Argentina
2010 Hi Honey, I'm Home. Broadfield House Glass Museum. UK
2008 Memorie sotto vetro .Glassmusset Ebeltoft, Denmark
2006 Levenson & Vetroricerca,Museo di Alcorcon, Spain.
2005 Memorie sotto vetro. Bolzano , Italy